
Friday, August 2, 2013

Technology Instruction Models - SAMR

Understanding the SAMR & TPACK models for implementing instructional technology is a key step to being aware of the what, how and why of technology in your classroom.

In my next few posts I'll share about both instructional models, and some great resources to help you understand and implement them.

Let's start with SAMR ...

This summer at TCEA Tots & Technology and iPadPalooza I learned about the SAMR model, which I then did more research on. I was totally intrigued by the concept of Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition. I think it meshes really well with TPACK (Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge). If you think about both together, you'll end up being an Ed Tech Rockstar! (More on TPACK in my next post)

Images from Tim Holt @ & collaged with Pic Collage

Basically the SAMR model wants educators to think ...

  S - Substitution - technology is simply replacing something you could have already done. A regular cup of coffee, for a Starbucks cup of coffee. Still the same thing.

 A - Augmentation - technology adds something extra to what you could have done before. A regular cup of coffee for a Starbucks Iced Latte. Same, just a little different.

 M - Modification - technology changes the way we can do a project, adding options we couldn't have done before. A regular cup of coffee for a iced Caramel Macchiato, lots of frills.

 R - Redefinition -  technology changes the project / product into something that could not have been created without the use of technology. A regular cup of coffee for a Pumpkin Spiced Latte, trademarked by Starbucks, no one else can make it the way they can.

One thing to thing to keep in mind when thinking about the SAMR model, is that we never really "get there", and that's okay. There is no classroom where every project will be redefining! Sometimes just substitution is great and engaging for students! It's just important to be thinking about the level of technology integration that  your classroom projects are taking on.

Think about the last few projects you did that incorporated technology. Where would they fall on the SAMR model? I think mine would mostly be in the  SAM section. I'll be working towards incorporating the R, redefinition, in my project this year.

Next I'll share about the TPACK model.


  1. Hi Meghan! I was at TCEA Tots and Tech too! I was wondering if I could use the Starbucks pic (with credits of course) for a presentation I am doing for The Global Education Conference. Please let me know as soon as possible. It is on Tuesday 11/19.

  2. Absolutely! Please be sure to credit Tim Holt (credited under my annotated image) for the original coffee images. I hope your presentation goes great!
